The Process

Affordable security solutions

The Process:

Contact us or fill out the form:

What is the issue or concern(s)?  What services are you interested in? 

Help us get a general sense of what you're looking for. 

Initial Consult:

We discuss your concern(s) and give you an opportunity to hear what we can do to help. 

Expectations and realities are discussed. 

Construct a Plan:

We will work with you to develop a plan of action.  The plan will be tailored to your specific needs.  Objectives and collection requirements will be established.  A cost estimate will be discussed.  Transparency in cost AND 
expectations/realities are key to avoid any subsequent surprises or disappointments. 

Follow up:

We give you copies of the information we collected based on the collection requirements.  What else is needed?  Maybe, court appearances, additional planning or services?

Plan Execution:

Initiate action of the plan.  This is time specific to the plan and objectives.  Depending on the complexity of the plan this could take days or weeks.   

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